Tumult in Mecca

The book is a multifaceted narrative intertwining personal, cultural, business, and historical themes.

The Fall of The Soviet Union

While Gorbachev was successful breaking with the principles of a community model that didn't work, [...]

Applying Artificial Intelligence

I am happy to announce that my other publishing brand, TBK Publishing, in cooperation with [...]

Designing Effective Revenue Generation Processes for B2B Software

 In the over forty years I have been working with revenue generation for B2B [...]

Celebrating my 20th LinkedIn Anniversary

On this very day, January 28, 2024, I am celebrating my 20th anniversary on LinkedIn. [...]

BOOX – A new publisher sees the light of day

I have established a new publishing brand. The purpose of BOOX is to publish realistic [...]

Is There a Recipe for Success?

I make reflections on this subject because, while I wrote the book 5,460 Miles from Silicon [...]

When I Was Among Denmark’s Most Influential People

When you are in a job and consider taking on a new one, it's because [...]

When Microsoft bought Navision

In my opinion, Navision continues to be an excellent example of how to bootstrap and [...]

About Artificial Intelligence

That the outcome of an AI-powered system is systematically incorrect doesn't make it useless.

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