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Hos TBK Publishing udgiver jeg titler om international forretningsudvikling, marketing, salg og ledelse i it-branchen.

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For ussel Mammon

Supercomputere, storpolitik og moralske gråzoner i Den Kolde Krigs skygge

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Balladen i Mekka

En skønlitterær roman om livets dilemmaer eventyrlystens faldgruber

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 Fra Damgaard til Microsoft

 Danmarks bedst dokumenterede iværksætterhistorie

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 5,460 Miles from Silicon Valley

One of the Best Documented Entrepreneurial Case Studies in the IT-industry

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 Going Global on a Shoestring

  Strategies for global expansion when your budget is small

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Revenue Generation Fundamentals

Successful Principles for B2B Software Companies

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 Building Successful Partner Channels

 The bestselling book about building and managing reseller channels in the IT-industry

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Tumult in Mecca

From civil servant to international business developer

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 Management Consulting Essentials

  A book for the independent management consultant. How to find and win clients and get your fair share of the value you create

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