I wish all my readers a happy New Year. May 2012 fulfill your ambitions and bring joy, happiness, fun and prosperity to you and those you care about.
This blog grew its’ readership from 20.000 visits in 2010 to almost 86.000 visits in 2011. In December 2011 we had close to 6.000 visits. The traffic to the blog increased by more than 100% in the 2nd half of 2011.
The Independent Management Consultant

The blog is aimed at the Independent Management Consultant. I saw a post somewhere recently claiming that there are approximately half a million independent management consultants world wide. My “feeling” is that this number is somewhat low. Anybody out there with a reliable number?
I am an independent management consultant myself. I write this blog to share my thoughts and experiences with the objective of steadily increasing the value we, as management consultants, can provide our clients and the outcome we can take home for ourselves.
Why do I care about other management consultants?
- The more value independent management consultants bring to the business community the more respected our profession will be.
- Higher standards leads to improved reputation, which again lead to more projects and better remuneration.
- I want to work with other independent management consultants, who specialize in areas complementary to my own services. I subcontract or refer business to other consultants when a project is outside my area of expertise. This way I can maintain account control, provide more value to my clients and enjoy the benefits of the leverage.
- Writing is a way to reflect on what I read, observe and experience through my own consulting praxis. It is a great way for me personally to continuously consider how I can improve my consulting skills, increase my productivity and improve the price/performance ratio of my customer value proposition.
- The number of independent management consultants will grow in the future.
- The need for specialized skills on a project basis will drive the increasing demand for our services.
- The benefits of being your own master and making your own decisions will drive more and more people to work as independent contractors.
- The proliferation of web based collaboration tools and social media platforms will enable people inside and outside organizations working closely together irrespective of time and place.
I also believe that writing a blog is a good way to communicate your values and positions to the world. The world of potential clients and potential cooperation partners.
Who are the readers?

I don’t know much about my readers. I don’t ask a lot of questions either. Tracking the traffic to the blog I use several web stat tools.
Here are some highlights:
- Average time on the blog: 2m 17s
- New visitors: 80%
- Most visiting country: USA
- Most visiting continent: Europe